Any provider hoping to participate in Chronic Care Management must be using a certified EHR. The key capabilities of the EHR that are relevant for CCM include structured recording of demographics, problems, medications, medication allergies, and the creation of a structured clinical summary.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has provided guidance for the edition of the EHR based on the EHR Incentive Programs:
“At a minimum, the edition(s) of certification criteria that is acceptable for purposes of the EHR Incentive Programs as of December 31st of the calendar year preceding each PFS payment year”
For example, a provider hoping to participate in Chronic Care Management in CY 2016, must use a 2014 ONC Certified EHR. Any 2014 ONC Certified EHR meets the requirements for the 2015 EHR Incentive Program.
Providers can verify the edition of their EHR using the Certified Health IT Product List.